miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Journey to Malta

We also have another blog together with some classmates in which we are going to try to organise a journey to Malta as a school project. Here is the link:

Journey to Malta

European Challenges

Here we have uploaded the presentation we did about "Power in Europe" which we found an amazing topic and we did our best to try to do it interesting. As you will see the presentation doesn't have any texts, and that's because we thought in this way, people would pay more attention to our speech, which had the needed information. Here is the link of the presentation:

European Challenges

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Minority Languages

This is the presentation we did about the European minority languages with our partners Aritz Ibarloza and Elisabeth Arbulu. Here is the link to download the presentation:

Minority Languages